Metropolitan Equestrian Team

When MET comes to visit our campus students will learn about the anatomy of horses, including the different breeds, names, and colors of horses. Friends learn about compost and how horses help compost. Most importantly friends will receive horsemanship history lessons that focus on the special bond between horses and humans across history.

Friends creating homemade horse treats for our special friends.

At Metropolitan Equestrian Team, our mission is to provide horseback riding experiences for children regardless of socioeconomic status. Participation in equestrian sports provides countless opportunities for students to gain confidence and leadership skills, learn responsibility, and acquire scholarships to college. As our organization expands we hope to partner with not only local stables, but local schools as well. An important aspect of the services we provide to Metropolitan Equestrian Team students is education programs through our Alternative Learning Program (ALP), and we aspire to create lasting and mutually beneficial relationships with Westbury Friends School.
