“From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life.”

Arthur Ashe

Support Westbury Friends School

As a not-for-profit institution, Westbury Friends relies on its tuition income, donations from friends and families, and special yearly events to meet the annual budget and offer the best possible learning environment for our students.

While the WFS experience is indeed a unique and rewarding one, tuition alone does not cover the true operating cost nor does it allow for extended program expansion. To make sure the program grows along with the enrollment, strong support of Westbury Friends School is necessary to bridge the gap between tuition and actual expenses.

How to Give:
Donate online by clicking the Donate Now button below:

Checks should be made payable to Westbury Friends School and mailed to:

Westbury Friends School
550 Post Ave.
Westbury, NY 11590

Contributions may also be brought into the Front Office. Gifts to Annual Giving should be made in Annual Giving envelopes whenever possible and these may be picked up in the Front Office or requested by calling 516-333-3178.

Stocks and Securities
A gift of securities or stock is an alternative to a cash gift. It provides for an income tax deduction for the giver equal to the fair market value of the securities /stock at the date of transfer.

Credit Cards
Gifts to Annual Giving can also be made through credit cards. Just check off the appropriate box on the Annual Giving Envelope and fill in the complete credit card information required to process the transaction.

Matching Gift
A matching gift by an employer increases the impact of your gift. If your employer has a matching gift program, please indicate so on the Annual Giving Envelope when making your gift. You may enclose the matching gift with your gift, or contact your employer’s Human Resources Department for more information.

Honorary or Memorial Gift
If you wish to honor or memorialize a loved one or another individual with your gift to Annual Giving indicate the name of the person you wish to honor or remember when making your gift. A receipt will be sent to you and the honoree or family of the memorialized person will be notified of your donation.

If you want to contribute to Annual Giving but are not in a position to do so now, please contact the Front Office to phone in a pledge. Please indicate when you intend to make your gift to Annual Giving and a friendly reminder will be sent to you.
Pledges must be paid by June 30th, but the sooner the gift is received the sooner it can go to work for the school and the students.

Giving Levels:
Benefactor: $10,000+
Patron: $5,000 – $9,999
Donor: $2,500 – $4,999
Contributor: $1,000 – $2,499
Supporter: $500 – $999
Friend: $10 – $499
Jr. Friend: $1 – $9
