“We didn’t know we were making memories; we did know we were making friends. “
5 Full Days: $450/week
5 Half Days: $410/week
4 Full Days: $370/week
4 Half Days: $330/week
3 Full Days: $290/week
3 Half Days: $250/week
Early Birds Care (7:30-8:30 am): $20 per day
After Camp Care (3:30-6:00 pm): $20 per day
***A 10% sibling discount may be applied to each additional child enrolled and subtracted from the total payment amount***
Let’s get started!
Call today to schedule a tour of our beautiful campus!
(516) 333-3178
Fill out the form if you are interested in finding out more information.
We will send you an enrollment form and a welcome letter.
Where strangers become friends,
and friendships lasts forever.“

Outdoor Activities
*Weekly Themes
*Gardening & Nature based activities
*STEAM Challenges
*Water Play
*Weekly visits with friends from Metropolitan Equestrian Team
*Learn to groom and ride ponies on campus
*Stewardship guided lessons
In-House Field Trips
*Snapology BUS
*Mr. Reptile Guy and his animals
*Various musicians and local bands
*Dance, Drama, & Drumming Workshops
Sensational Playtime
*Sensational Playtime is a play-based program for Early Childhood. Designed with occupational therapy objectives in mind, classes focus on developmental motor and social skills that foster the emerging skills seen in this stage of life.
“Play is our brain’s favorite way of learning.”
-Diane Ackerman