“Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn.”
~ O. Fred Donaldson, Ph.D., play researcher
Our Pre-K is…
Friendly, Gregarious & Chatty
Developmentally Appropriate
Opportunities For Exploration
The Pre K program at Westbury Friends School is a wonderful mix of academic learning that is both challenging and developmentally appropriate and social experiences whereby students gain competence and confidence. The classroom offers multiple opportunities for exploration and discovery through varied hands-on interest areas. These learning activities allow for independent pursuits and/or group interaction.
The social, physical, intellectual, creative, emotional, and spiritual development of each child is an integral part of the overall program, as children grow and achieve according to their levels, strengths and abilities.
The ambience in the classroom provides a solid framework within which the students are nurtured and inspired toward a lifetime love of learning, with an eye toward a smooth transition into Kindergarten and its somewhat more structured learning environment.
Pre-K provides an environment in which children’s natural inclination to socialize and use language to communicate is supported. Children are encouraged to be specific about the language they use to share ideas and information with each other. Pre-K students tend to be expansive in their language development, trying out and using big words when explaining or sharing experiences.
Books, stories, songs, and dramatic play are all used to convey the use of language. Children are made to laugh, wonder and interact with the world through language. Questions are asked to promote comprehension and character development is celebrated through the exploration of words (hello, good morning, please, thank you, etc.). These high frequency words and phrases are presented in a variety of ways, specifically emphasized through the Morning Message.
The alphabet and numbers are available to the children whenever they need to refer to them. Class and individual books created by the children are often part of thematic experiences and made available in the classroom library. Through games, projects and ‘class jobs’ the use of letters and numbers is integrated naturally throughout the day and room. Pre-K utilizes the Handwriting Without Tears program to stimulate high interest in letters, sounds and writing, and the Fountas and Pinnell assessment tool to gauge student progress and growth.
Manipulative hands-on experiences are key to the introduction and understanding of basic math concepts relative to a Pre-K student. Students are guided to see math all around them in the form of numbers, words, activities, calendar, patterns, sequences, skip counting, temperature, sorting and classifying and a myriad of other concepts that encompass mathematical thinking.
Everything that children in Pre-K do is science for they are continuously engaged in observing, discovering, and experimenting with their surroundings. In an effort to make sense of their world, they naturally interact with and manipulate their environment, all the while learning about the properties of the materials they use. The goal of the classroom teachers is to facilitate this natural exploration, broaden the opportunities for discovery, and guide each child to find and use the language that will help them communicate what they are seeing and doing.
Social Studies
For children in Pre-Kindergarten, “social studies” consists of the exploration of the cultural society in which we live. Embedded in their culture(s) are the many things that determine how and with whom they spend their time, including, but not limited to, the configuration of families, members of the community they see (firefighters, police, the postman, etc.), the physical space they experience (beach, forest, city, etc.), the holidays they celebrate and what they do for fun.
Providing the setting (both indoor and outdoor) and materials for helping children to experience both the complexities and simplicities of the world in which they live is all part of the Social Studies experience.
Music is a daily part of the Pre-K program designed to expose and familiarize students with many different musical experiences. This is accomplished through listening, finger plays, playing instruments, singing, and creative movement.
Art provides the children with many varied opportunities to express their ideas, observations and feelings in a way that is truly individual to them. It is also a way for them to explore their senses and the world around them, providing them with many hands-on experiences to do so.
Social/Emotional Development
Pre-K Students are discovering and exploring what their role is within the world they live. They are more able to express themselves through words and ideas. Providing them with a new and exciting social world to explore, test and enjoy is an important aspect of Pre-K. It affords the children opportunities and experiences that will help them learn how to appropriately navigate this new and exciting world. This can be a scary and unsure time for children as they begin to better understand how their actions impact both themselves and peers. The Pre-K experience strives to provide a safe/positive environment where children can express themselves, ask questions, explore the world around them and work towards becoming self-confident and self-reliant. We do this by being positive role models and providing them with the language and practice they need to begin to master these skills.